Open Research Institute (ORI)
As a founding member of the Open Research Institute, I am working to systematically archive and index my Christian research on systems and cognition.
See this GitHub wiki page for the original post, and my digital business card.
Public Desk
This is where I will store many of my public-facing documents for my projects affiliated with the Open Research Institute. This includes a blog.
Public Desk
This is where I will store many of my public-facing documents for my projects affiliated with the Open Research Institute. This includes a blog.
Epistemology 1999
Meaningless, said the Preacher. Meaningless.
The short story that started it all, that marked the "Hello World" moment of who I came to be.
Putting "Epistemology 1999" everywhere I go is a good motivating factor for getting things done. It is precious to me, my most prized possession even. And so to have many places where I can frame it is a pleasure. I want them to all be linked together, so that I can find my own space in the world simply by tracing my finger along the seams where my own digital network comes together.
Writing on the whiteboard and leaving it up lets people see what was on my mind at a given time. It makes for a quick note that others might not have to take seriously, but which may give inspiration to the right person.
Do not worry about how you will deal with too many gains. Instead, worry about being fruitful in the first place. Reminds me of when people are worried about "getting too jacked" when they have not even started working out yet.
I suppose one of the questions I have to consider is, when do I ever remove something from this whiteboard? Presumably, I cannot just keep piling everything up. Well, I guess I just deal with things like that when they come up. The probability that this page is totally abandoned is much higher than the chance that it becomes overpopulated.
Card Box
A collection of loose notes that I seek to put together in public. An extension of my personal Obsidian vault.
I have benefitted much from writing whatever I want and connecting them together as I go. Leaflet is a platform that rewards this kind of in-the-moment creation, and so I hope that this will be a way for me to build in public and not have to worry too much about the more technical side of realization.
As of the time of writing on March 11, 2025, I am a founding member and independent researcher at the Open Research Institute, a new project and movement “for all who pursue understanding reality — a space where prediction trumps paradigm”. I am excited for the initiatives we have lined up, which includes the creation of a central documentation that indexes the writings of all researchers.
I plan to use this as an opportunity to move more of my writings online and organize it into longform archives. As this is a chance to collaborate with other writers and thinkers in a public-facing context, I will also use this chance to begin the project of writing proper indexes of my own work as I understand it. This is something that I have put off for a long time in my own writing: I am more willing to rewrite the same things again and again rather than perform a serious literature review and yank everything together! Mostly, I am afraid of hard work. But why work hard, when I can hardly work?
I will be using my Fandom Wiki page (Sᴜɴʀɪsᴇ Oᴀᴛʜ) as a temporary landing page for my own content, one which is naturally connected to the different materials with which others are tinkering. This will not necessarily be my de facto homepage forever, but for now it is a good starting point. We can consider this blog post itself to be but one more rhizome within a network of documents. We should fully expect that as better options come along, we will progressively take them.
I outlined three research interests on the Fandom Wiki page: Christian systems thinking, liberal fundamentalism, and experimental theology. There are many other things I can write about, but outlining three different points already gives some dimensionality to the constructs that people might have of my work, and in turn of the image that I have among peers when it is time to think together about problems.
I plan on using this blog and the Fandom Wiki page as twin pillars of a very informal nucleus for my work in the next while. There shall be much linking back and forth, many ninja edits, much fiddling with things that likely do not matter in the long term. For now, I will link to some X (formerly Twitter) threads that come to mind when I think about my research topics. I will also link some topical writings and creative works that show some of the interests I had that sustained themselves across time.
Research Topics
An outline of areas of special interest.
Research Topics
An outline of areas of special interest.
Christian systems thinking
Liberal fundamentalism
Experimental theology
Topical & Creative
An index of past work in more informal or artistic contexts.
Topical & Creative
An index of past work in more informal or artistic contexts.
Fictional writing
This serves as a personal index of many concepts that I think and write about, as well as a record of many meaningful formative life events. Treat this as an exercise for the reader.
Visual novels (Studio Madeleine Chai)
Snapshot — paradigms; magic and science; past and future
Splinted Wings — compensating with superpowers?
Promenade — immersion, audience as character
PROJECT: Halloween — AI alignment, Roko’s basilisk
Cultural commentary
At times like these, I am glad for how public school taught me to write “formal” (according to form) essays, esp. in the triple three-point argument format. Nine ideas supporting three arguments for one conclusion happens to give a lot of room for exploration, and is much easier than the mission of writing On Everything that has plagued me since I was young.
I am also glad that I have lost the part of me that cringes when I call my Twitter rambling “research”. That is exactly what it is, and I am proud of it. It is just a matter of making informal writings on serious research into something more formal. To use a musical composition analogy, this is similar to writing many album leaves, then collating them into character pieces, then organizing them into a piano cycle.
I expect to write many updates in the future! Stay tuned, if you are so inclined. Great things are coming soon. Ish.